Pink pajamas penguins on the bottom
Pink pajamas penguins on the bottom
hmmm hmmm (not sure of the words)
The sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
hmmmmm (more unknown words)
crescendo to It's the Circle of Life!
Ok it's not really that dramatic in Room 15. There is no manic/spooky monkey holding a little lion cub over all the animals of the Savannah but it is special that we have gotten to see the middle, end, beginning, middle, and soon to be end of the butterfly life cycle.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.... no that's a different story. We got these wonderful painted lady caterpillars about a month ago (see previous post about the hot glue/trauma/butterfly crisis for more detailed history). They grew into 5 1/2 butterflies (one was kind of special needs and might have been on the spectrum). As soon as they hatched it was painted lady porn in our room! I didn't take any pictures of the explicit act simply because I didn't think it was appropriate to draw attention to it in front of the kids and because even insects should enjoy private moments of intimacy. If you really want to see it google image search it :).
Here is the boy chasing around the one any only girl.
You can tell by the size of their abdomen (butt).
You can tell by the size of their abdomen (butt).
I have taught my kiddos a lot of good phrases (TCB, You're on the radar,
Touch it again...see what happens!) and one that I taught them was "Peacocking" That is exactly what Lucky (they named them all Lucky...I don't know why) was doing in this picture.
Touch it again...see what happens!) and one that I taught them was "Peacocking" That is exactly what Lucky (they named them all Lucky...I don't know why) was doing in this picture.
3-5 days after the 8 hour humping session these tiny mint green eggs showed up. It was amazing! You could actually see the mommy butterfly sticking her abdomen down and sticking these little dots to the leaves. If you look really closely you can see a little black speck on the leaf on the left upper part and that is newly hatched caterpillar. There is also one in the middle of the left cluster of eggs. When they hatch they are less than an 1/8 of an inch long and have the biggest head (like an orange on a toothpick!) and the tiniest little bodies.
Here is a picture of the first 200 or so that hatched. Yes they are the little tiny black specks!
This is a picture of a one-week old caterpillar and one day old caterpillar. I know that this is the curse of the new mother. Every gurgle, spit-up, and dirty diaper is the best, most wonderful, special bodily fluid ever created. Even though my commitment is only for another month or so I still feel like every leaf chewed is chewed in a way that no caterpillar has ever masticated before, and every piece of frass (poop) is the most perfect frass ever created, and every little tiny molt need to be documented, photographed, and then told to everyone I know.
In essence my caterpillars are in the top 99% of all the caterpillars in the whole entire world.
In essence my caterpillars are in the top 99% of all the caterpillars in the whole entire world.
Some more of the ridiculously huge 3 week old caterpillars.
On the verge of changing into chrysalises.
On the verge of changing into chrysalises.
This is a chrsyallis who attached to the top of the net. You can see the silk pat really clearly.
More metamorphic madness to follow...until the next insect installment :)
Awesome alliteration also :)