Thursday, April 8, 2010

Guns are for getting food

I've learned a lot of things at my new school but I also try to remember the things that I learned at my last school...ah the memories :). One of my dearest friends there once told me that when a kid says something shocking that it's better not to react in shock (like expected) but rather to accept what they are saying and then be open about the reasons behind why they are saying it. I have to say that I am always trying to cover the shock and not always succeeding...I finally felt like I had implemented this lesson into my teaching...below is a transcript of the conversation:

Me: Today in ELD we are going to be talking about how you feel... You can talk about how you feel about the recent earthquake, global warming, going to 6th grade, or anything else you want to talk about.
LB: I have something I want to talk about...
Me: Great (Internal monologue:awesome this kid finally wants to participate)
LB: In my opinion, (which was our language frame) holding a gun is awesome.
Me: (Crap..I am out of my depth) did that make you feel?
LB: It made me feel strong, powerful, and like I could protect myself
Me: (Don't freak out, don't freak out) Well, in a lot of cultures guns are a way of life. Who do you feel like you need to protect yourself from?
LB: Other people who would do bad things.
Me: Ok, I can see where having a gun would make you feel safer. Guns were made so that people could get food, protect their families and their makes sense that you would feel in control when you were holding a gun. Guns can be both dangerous and helpful-like if you were getting food for your family.
LB: Exactly!
Me: Obviously, having a gun at your age is inappropriate but as an adult who has to hunt for food it would be a necessity.
LB: Hunting?
Me: You know, using a gun to get food for your family...hunting, shooting wildlife, deer, elk, know?
LB: Oh...I thought when you said getting food for your family you meant taking it to Wal-mart and using it to get food for your family.
Me: ?
LB: You know, like using the gun to get food and money from the store people
Me: Oh....that's not what I meant. (Transition to shocked teacher mode) Guns are dangerous and there is no reason ever you should hold one again.
LB: I know, I know they are inappropriate for children.

My students are funny because whenever they are about to say something that they know will set off a "life lesson" they always preface the statement with "I know ______ isn't appropriate for children, BUT ....." I must start every soapbox lecture with,
"______ is not appropriate for children because...." It's funny that the idiosyncrasies that they emulate are ones that I am not aware of until I hear them said by a 10 year old.