For the first month of 2011, here is a list of the things I love:
-Real Simple Lemonade
-Gardening on the weekends-but not roter-tilling
-Working on the quilt until I have "quilter's knee"
-My students, most of them anyway
-Monday's off (Thank you Dr. Luther King, Jr.)
-Hoarders on A&E
-Getting rid of the excess things in my life
-Thank you notes from my sweet little nephew
-Books on CD, especially obscure economic books
-Photography blogs
-Krakatoa's Trader's Head Sandwich
-Sleeping in late on Saturdays
-Cut the Rope App
-Brand new 650 thread count sheets....heaven!
-Small World Board Game "It's a Word of Slaughter After All"
-Freezer paper stencil crafting with friends
-The Knitting Kneedle's secret weapon
-Book Club Lite
-Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC
-Watching the vegetables grow and grow and grow
-Taking care of business
-Reading books about Polygamy
-The Ugly Brown Sweater, which is now uglier than usual
-Getting letters from long lost friends
-Finally fixing the number line in my classroom (now 99 and 100 are present and not behind the cabinet)
-Smelly stickers, especially the Taco scented ones I found Cinco de Mayo (Ole!)
-The tadpoles that are quickly turning into froglets
-The Rose Bowl Parade and the quick friends we made with a game of Parade Bingo
-Going to student's birthday parties and bringing the best gift (Yay for Legos)
-New shampoo and conditioner flavors
-Surviving another month without getting lice or ringworm from the kiddos...that in itself is an accomplishment!
Hurray for another great month! Here's to the next 11 of 2011.