Bucket List:
-Finish a quilt
-Become a published writer
-Have a gallery show of my photography
-Go to a former student’s graduation
-Visit Chile
-Go to Haiti with my dad
-Learn conversational Spanish
-Relearn how to play the guitar
-Grow a pineapple from a cutting
-See the aurora borealis
-Drive down the Mexican Highway 15
-Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos in Central America
-Finish an entire book of Suduko puzzles
-Introduce myself to John the Starbucks Barista
-Visit Petra and Israel
-Live abroad
-Solve a Rubik’s cube
-Take a pastry class
-Learn more than straight lines in knitting
-Get rid of cable t.v.
-Join a protest for peace
-Be part of a flash mob
-Live carbon neutral for a year
-Buy a hybrid/electric car
-Write a letter to the editor about something I believe in
-Perform stand-up comedy
-Invent a board game
-Understand my 403b Investments
-Grow grapes/have an arbor
-Go geo-caching
-Make apple butter
-Maintain a saltwater aquarium