There are days that I don’t love being a teacher. But most days, I love my job. This year in particular has been wonderful. Obviously there are a few days sprinkled in where I lose my shit and may be a candidate for early retirement but they are few and far between.
The thing that I love the most about my school is how very wise the students are. Most live in extreme poverty and I’m not talking don’t have a Wii and a DS poor, but more like don’t know if they will have enough food over the weekend poor. However, they know exactly what is important in life. They are the most generous and thoughtful kids I have ever met. They amaze me with their perspective because they are so very clear about what is important and what is unnecessary in life. They love school and may be the only kids in the world who don’t want spring break to happen because, “I want to come to school so I can learn!”
Yesterday, we were discussing immigration and how when people immigrated in the 1800’s, it was difficult but they did it so that their families could have a better future. Every kid had an example of something their parents do to make their lives better. It was amazing to hear 7 year-olds explain the difficulties their parents face in providing for their families. The consensus that they came to was, it’s nice to have things but things are what can make life wonderful. People, memories, and love are the most important things that you can have and those are free.
Our school raised 4,000 dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society with Pennies for Pasta. They collected three times as much as most schools even though our school is one of the very poorest in San Diego. The lady from Pennies for Pasta came to give out the prizes and announcing the winning. A student in 2nd grade turned to his teacher, and in the sweetest little voice said, “The best thing is that we helped the kids with cancer.” I’m not as worried about the future of the country, not when there are still children who can see what the best things are.