Friday, July 31, 2009

A Happy List from Camp

As many/all of you know, I work at a camp in Missouri. Working at this camp gave me the most terrific experiences and I have gotten to work the the most amazing people. One of those sweet people is Jell-o and she has a habit of making "Happy Lists" and so this is for you Jell-o...I missed you.

A Happy List
J. Low 2009
  • The Hoedown Throwdown Disaster
  • The Sugar Shack
  • Julia's kisses
  • Jell-o's visit
  • Sewing aprons for the Go-gos
  • The new macro lens
  • Titan and the other ho-dos (host-dogs)
  • Clean But Wet shirts
  • Salmon surprise and other questionable menu items
  • Katianne's enthusiasm
  • Getting to watch a movie instead of going to the pool on closing day
  • an onion
  • The weirdest staff meetings ever
  • Jillian and the mixed emotions of her involvement in the Ad Building
  • Getting the giggles at lunch
  • Getting glared at like first year counselors for the giggle fit
  • The stupid lights key...I hate that key
  • Surviving Shitstorm 2009
  • "So formal"
  • Hanging out with Dot and the Sci-Fi Channel
  • Kayla's dry dry humor
  • Cooking out like 5 times in a row...not on purpose
  • Being a Unit Counselor again
  • Realizing how good I have it as a Unit Leader
  • Lepi's wellness and zest for honesty
  • Cleaning up vomit in every color, viscosity, and stage of digestion
  • Cleaning up poop in every color, viscosity, and stage of absorption
  • Razzle's friendship bracelet
  • The Paper Source
  • Staying up late talking to Twiggy
  • Calvin the mouse in cabin 3
  • 84's camp chic look
  • My comfortable, so fugly
  • Duhbul's expressions that are not really expressions
  • Missing out on all the Michael Jackson news
  • Lauren's laughter
  • "There are snakes in the grass, get your ass in the cabin!"
  • Meeting the new campers
  • Sequoia's impromptu orienteering course
  • Maggie's fishy faces
  • Spending time at the tables with 'Da Unit
  • The incredible weather
  • Getting to spend an evening with Katydid
  • A Diva is a female version of a hustler
  • Unit 1...enough said!!!
  • Throwing pepperoni and hot dogs into the woods
  • Elmo's sweet smile...and teasing her about Abraham
  • The cooking demo
  • Hearing about the cooking demo about a million times
  • Trying a few of the cooking demo ideas...abandoning the rest
  • Lizzy and her swimming program and sweet letters
  • Bamboo/Katherine Heigl
  • Mullet Margaritas
  • 4th of July+Missouri+Online Ordained Minister+Breathalyzer=Awesome time (the breathalyzer was used purely for recreational purposes)
  • Discovering Facebook Scrabble
  • The charcoal chimney vs. chiminea discussion
  • Twiggy
  • A thousand little smiles and laughs that cannot be captured or described but make up memories that will last a lifetime

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