Monday, August 17, 2009

Have you ever played Uno...ok, it's nothing like that

Over the last few months I have played cards with a lot of great people. For the sake of time and efficacy I am posting the rules to the games here so get some decks of cards and play on.

Canadian Salad
Players: Any number greater than 3
Number of decks: 3-5 people= 1 deck; 6-10 people = 2 decks; 11-15 = 3 decks.
Score: Low score wins!!!
Time Commitment: 20 minutes or so
Object of the game: To not take “tricks” and not turn tricks….ha! This game is played like Spades except there are NO TRUMPS at all, and only six hands are played.
*You MUST follow suit lead if possible.
*On multiple deck games, when two identical winning cards fall, the first one thrown wins trick.
*Deal the whole deck and the person to the left leads the first trick.
The tricks are as follows
First No tricks Each trick = 10 pts
Second No hearts Each heart = 10 pts
Third No queens Each queen = 25 pts
Fourth No K of spades K of spades = 100 pts
Fifth No last trick Last trick =100 pts
Sixth** All of the above Points count as above
**It’s easier to keep track of the score after each trick during the last trick

Players: 2 or more
Number of Decks: 2
Scoring: Low score wins!!!
Time Commitment: 5-20 minutes per hand
Object of game: To get rid of all of the cards in your hands. Each card in your hand is worth 1 point at the end of the round.
First person takes 4 cards and then tries to make either a set or run of three or more.
If they cannot make a set or run of three then they need to keep drawing until they can.
Once they put their set/run in the middle of the table then they can knock on the table and pass the cards or say “Pass”.
The next person draws 4 and tries to lay down a new set/run or add to the existing cards, if they can’t play then they keep drawing until they can play something.
This continues until someone discards all of their cards.
*All cards on the table must be in sets or runs of three or more.
*The cards can be rearranged as desired to create opportunities for play as long as there are still three in each set/run at the end of that player’s turn.

Hand and Foot
Players: 4 (2 teams of 2), 3 (cut-throat….every man for himself)
Number of decks: 4…if more than 4 are playing then add one deck for every person.
Score: High score wins!!!
Time Commitment: 1 hour..a little more if you have more people
Object of the Game: The aim is to get rid of cards from your hand (11 cards), and then from your foot (11 cards), by melding them. A Meld is a set of three to seven cards of equal rank placed face up on the table. A Meld cannot have fewer than three cards. After a Meld of three or more cards has been started, you can add further cards to it until there are seven, which makes it a book. Then it becomes a Book. You can meld cards of any rank from A, K, Q, ... down to 3. Deuces and Jokers are wild cards and can be used in melds, as long as there is at least one more real card than wild cards. You cannot meld wild cards alone.
Every round you pick up two cards and then discard one.

There are two types of books:
A Clean(No Wilds) Book = 500 pt.
A Dirty(Wild) = 300 pts
First team/person out = 100 pts.

Card Values:
Jokers = 50 points (Wild Card)
Deuces = 20 points (Wild Card)
Aces = 20 points
Eight through King (8-K) = 10 points
Three through Seven (3-7) = 5 points

Round Points-You must lay down at least the round points to play ONLY the first time someone lays down in that round per team/person.
Round 1, cards points must total at least 50 to play
Round 2, cards points must total at least 90 to play
Round 3, cards points must total at least 120 to play
Round 4, cards points must total at least 150 to play

In order to go out, you must:
1. Have reached your Foot and played it completely.
2. Have at least one Red Book and one Black Book.
3. If you are in partners, your partner must “get into” their foot and play it at least once.

In order to pick up the discard pile the following criteria must be met:
1. You must have 2 matching cards in your hand
2. You must be able to play the top discard
3. You must have the required round points
The top discard may give you the required round points, no other cards below can be used to give you the round point when you first lay down.

You receive two scores per hand. One for the books, then the combined face value of all cards played on the board, booked or not. Once your books have been counted then all the cards you played, including those in the books, are added up at the card point value.
This applies to all players, not just the person going out. If you did not go out, and are caught with cards in your Hand and/or your Foot, those points count against you. If you did not go out and you have books and or cards on the board, those points count for you.

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