Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kinder Treasures

I have some treasures from kindergarten that my students made. So I thought I would share them. This is me standing on a student...I also have fangs!

In this one my hair is really crazy and apparently I am going on a treasure hunt because X marks the spot.

This may not be of me at all but rather a family at a beach. My favorite part is the sun is saying "Go". Let this be an admonition to indeed where? no idea but at least go.

I am standing on the right side of the to a chair? I'm not sure.

Ms. A, is that a rainbow on your head? No, no just my hair.

Again with the crazy's like there is a pattern over time or something.

This is not me...It's Mario. I thought the kid had a cousin named Mario who was a plumber but then it all started to make sense when he talked about Luigi.

This is my favorite one. I am the circle person and I am holding hands with my friend Uh-uh from the earlier post. The sweetest gesture he made ever. I hung it on my desk and will continue do so to remind me that the kids who are the most difficult need the most love and patience.

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