Monday, August 9, 2010

Misery to Wyboring

July 31, 2010
After a long and trying day at Girl Scout Council, we foolishy decided to head out to the great state of Wyboring, with a car full of dirty laundry, a bag full of discarded snack food, and hope in our hearts. The trip started off well enough, spirits were high. However around, Lincoln Nebraska-the crazies started. If you have never had the opportunity to drive for 10 hours, mostly in the dark, do it! It is a social experiment that will leave you wondering where your common sense has gone. We drove giddily through the night on nothing but Starbucks Frappacinios, peanut M&Ms, and laughter about the creepiest doll we’d ever seen. I (Adrielle) was relegated to the back seat and promptly fell asleep because I couldn’t hear a darn thing. I’m not sure what adventures Emma and Hayley had while I was napping but I did wake once to an urgent cry for help as they had driven into the nothingness of Nebraska with no gas in the tank. Apparently the concept of pre-planning was lost at about 3:00 am. Luckily, I woke up in time to save the day (night) and navigated sans Iphone GPS to a nearby gas station. My dear Pacifico’s tank (12 gallon capacity) thirstily gulped down 13 ½ gallons…we were near crisis! I decided to take back the wheel and continue on towards Chey-town. We arrived early in the morning and slept soundly.

My car got to 100,000 miles this trip!!!

This is quite possibly the creepiest thing I've ever can't unsee things like this!

August 1, 2010
I wish that I had more to say about this day. I woke up at 10 and reacquainted myself with the creature comforts that most people take for granted while Emma and Hayley slept. When I say slept, I meant SLEPT! At about 4:30 when I came home from the movies with Dr. and Papa they had arisen from dreamland. With the day mostly over there was little to do but go to Sonic for corndogs and play a ridiculously long game with my friends from college. The game lasted until 12:30 am…good thing the girls got so much shut-eye the previous night/day.

August 2, 2010
Determined to get up a little earlier than mid-afternoon, we set out on an adventure to “shoot some shit”….I do mean this literally. My dad took us on a Camper’s Choice outing to the metropolis of Burns to meet the most bad-ass cowboy ever! This sure-shooter, Maverick, was 6 foot and a lot, had a mustache (not a beard) that swept gracefully down to his shirt pocket, a swagger that only comes from riding horses for the better part of a life, and more guns that the US Government. He let us use his private shooting range/hill for disposing lead and other toxins into the environment via .22 shells. Not only did he let us use his property for the shameless destruction of pop cans and eggs, he also let us use his “cute little devil” pistol that shot .357 but he loaded with a special hand packed lighter caliber bullets for us. I have only shot a .22 pistol but it was pretty awesome shooting something with a little more punch. After Maverick left we continued to try to shoot a few other things brought with us, a yogurt container, eggs, strawberries, pop cans, and a picture of Zoe LaRue the poodle. Once all the ammo was spent and we were well satisfied with our collective ability to shoot whatever piece of trash or road sign that was in the vicinity we rolled out feeling pretty proud of ourselves.
We also got to hang out more with my dear friend Kirstin. We saw Dinner for Schmucks the movie, which is painfully hard to watch because Steve Carell is so good at being awkward. We also met up with Abi to see her new digs and meet her husband.

August 3, 2010
On this fine Wyoming day, we met up with my aunt and grandpa for their weekly picnic. My dad had brought the canoe to the lake so he and my aunt took it for a lap or two. Then Hayley and Emma courageously took it around the lake. We also ate some Toxic Johns Potato Ole’s, which are a blessing and a curse. A blessing while you is eating them and then soon after a curse. We got to see my other Aunt and blew some bubbles with her after putting together a fan. Mostly today was my taking care of business day and like it or not the girls were stuck with me.
We had found some darling little baby gifts and took them out to Abi’s school to give to her. They were adorable! I love shopping for baby stuff…if only you could do that without the actual baby…I guess that is why I will be an awesome auntie.
We topped off the night by playing card games with the dad and it was a nice end to a relaxing time spent in Chey-town.

My dad and I had a water race...I lost!

August 4, 2010
Today was filled with good friends, good beer, and less than good Mexican food. We started the day off by going to the Budweiser tour in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I love, love, love factories so it was a good tour and a beautiful day in the foothills.

We are standing in front of 11.3 million gallons of beer!

Cheers to free beer.

Then we drove down to Denver and picked up Mariah. We decided to go the best/worst restaurant in Denver, the one and only Casa Bonita. If you haven’t been to Casa Bonita and you live within a days drive of it….GO! It is as horrible/wonderful as you can imagine. Essentially it is a dark and damp restaurant that was designed by someone on acid who had access to a lot of chicken wire and fake rock material. You might be asking why anyone would want to drive to a strip mall in the red light district of Denver to eat bad Mexican food in what looks like a poorly made movie set…and to those people I would say two things….Cliff Divers and Sopapillas. Every 15 minutes or so there is a extremely poorly scripted and even more poorly executed melodrama that ends with someone diving 30 feet into a pool of water. To those neigh sayers and sayers of neigh, I say….EMBRACE THE CHEESE! You are doing no one any good by being too serious to laugh at the absurd and the outrageous. I also have to say that things that make Casa Bonita horrible are the same things that make it awesome….I mean some of it might be nostalgia but where else can you see a gorilla and pirate fight, a mariachi band, Black Bart’s cave, a piƱata being broken by 6 years all amped up on high fructose corn syrup, and get to eat in a cave!

For further information please visit this website…hilarious.
To his suggestions, I would also say….Avoid the meat-go for the cheese enchiladas but the safest things are the sopapillas and diet coke.

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