Amelia Earhart. Actually a very good drawing if Amelia had made it to old age.
My favorite parts are the planes in the background.
My favorite parts are the planes in the background.

She drew Marie Curie as a princess and then I told her that even though Marie Curie found Radium she was not a princess in any country. The girl was mad because she wanted to draw a pretty dress...apparently she was so mad she only gave Marie Curie three fingers. I know that Curie eventually died of exposure to radioactive substances but I didn't know she that affected by it.

This is my favorite! I love the flag in the background. Classic!

I have failed, this girl thought Rosa Parks was Asian.

Martin Luther King Jr. has ears all the better to hear you with and a kickin' mustache.

Kim Jon-Il. NO! Steve Jobs! I swear to you, a teacher came in and said,
"Why does the North Korean dictator have a iPhone and a computer?"

Barack Obama is a lollipop head. The leader of the free world my friends.

Another Steve Jobs, I kind of wish he had a turtle neck on...that would have been epic.

Don't worry Microsoft fans, we also have Bill Gates.
He is famous for computers and piles and piles of money.
He is famous for computers and piles and piles of money.

Best picture ever. No comment needed.

Apparently George Washington is an orange dinosaur...I am mad that this kid still couldn't spell his name after a month of writing it. How many more times can I yell at someone for not trying their best.

When I asked why he colored him so dark he said that "He was outside a lot so he was probably very tan." Good thinking kid. I am impressed.

This kid couldn't find peach so he used yellow.
Jury is still out on why his neck is blue and his hair is green.
Jury is still out on why his neck is blue and his hair is green.

This kid wanted to write about the "person who invented books". Johannes Gutenberg isn't exactly an American hero but close...kind of. I did not know that the inventor of the movable type printing press also wore a poop hat.

I love that she added monkeys in the background. It doesn't matter that Jane Goodall studied apes...I appreciate her effort and execution.

We just started writing personal narratives. So far the most promising one is about a kid who played Bingo on the rez with his grandma. I am just glad not to be writing biographies!
I cannot tell you the joy this has brought me! Those are some pretty awesome pictures! Way to go, Miss. Aldrich!