Monday, March 23, 2009


How is it you may ask that a single, good-looking, witty, commitment free individual such as myself becomes an attached, still good-looking, and highly committed individual in ONE DAY. Well let me tell begins and ends with 2nd grade life science and the insects that are the focus of my instruction and my life for the next 3 months of my life. In one day, ONE DAY, I became the proud parent of 200 meal worms, 50 silkworm eggs, 50 milkweed bug eggs, and 9 butterfly larva (yes those are caterpillars). As I am writing this I am resisting attaching pictures of my newly acquired and much loved progeny as proud parents are want to do on blogs. I know that experiencing the world around them is a huge piece of a child's development...however as I sat with cottonballs, twigs, tubing, egg cartons, vials, plastic baggies, sachets of sunflower seeds, hideously smelling butterfly food, a syringe, a hole punch, and a pea green powder called "Silkworm Chow" (that I have to cook and press until it is a tofu like texture !?!) I thought maybe I am experiencing my world way more than my precious 7 year-olds. So after several weeks of preparation and teaching, re-teaching, and re-re-teaching the life cycle of insects, one of my students is showing his mom around the science center during teacher conferences and keeps saying, "These are mealworms next they will be pooh-pahs" Tomorrow's lesson: Pronunciation of the life cycle starting with pupa.

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