Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Statistically Speaking...

When 17 out of 18 kids listen to directions it is an excellent percentage...statistically speaking. However, even when 94 percent of the kids listen there is a margin of error in direction following. It seems as though that one kid who doesn't listen really doesn't listen. After a day of St. Patrick's Day word searches, nacho cheese, and science projects I was doing some self-reflection walking about in a daze around Home Depot. I thought of my day and realized that it would have been a little less chaotic and a lot less exciting if every kid had listened. I don't know how to be more clear and I don't know how to make my directions any more followable. I only know that one kid (and unfortunately not always the same kids) just doesn't listen. So a great big thank you to the kid who did not hear my directions when I said, "Please do not cut the computer cord with the safety scissors.", "Please do not empty your milkshake into the recycle bin.", "Please do not shake the ant farm.", "Please do not spill the mealworms all over the floor and then scream like the world is coming to an end.", "Please do not glue your face to the table.", "Please do not lick your foot or shoe.", or "Please do not eat the graham crackers out of the science experiment." Like I said an exciting day in Room 15...statistically speaking.

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