Wednesday, June 10, 2009

2 Words....Economic Downturn

Well as a few of you (ha...I mean all of you) know this great country that we live in is in an economic recession/downturn/cluster@#&*. Anyway, because of this awesome future Vh1 "I Love the 2000's" show I am not going to be at my amazing, great, superb school next year. I will be at some other equally is amazing school (I HOPE!).
Soooo to the story, one of my dear 5th graders asked me if I was going to be teaching 5/6 next year-which was the plan until the Board of Ed. got in the way with their "Budget Crisis". Again I digress... I told her that I was going to be at a different school and I know she will do well (all of that BS that teachers tell kids when the truth is a little too painful). Then I told her that she had to study hard and become a lawyer, or a banker, or the president so that her generation could get us out of a mess. She looked at me nodding in agreement and then said, "Boy, I hope you are still alive by then." So, I was hopeful that this economic downturn was going to be resolved a little sooner than later but then again time is irrelevant when you are 11.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!!! You have a blog... why did I not know about this before! It is so good to hear how things are going... sorry that there is some unfortunate news about the school though!! Are you going to camp again this summer? Will you be near us at all? Miss you!! J&H
