Sunday, September 13, 2009

The First Week

As some of you know I began teaching kindergarten this year. I am excited but also a little discouraged that another year will be spent doing primary. I also moved schools so that has been a hard transition. When I left Whitman last June I really thought I would be going back and so closure has been very slow to come. I am now working at a HUGE elementary school in south San Diego. The demographics are a little different but I am enjoying my students and their families. The hardest change is that I really don't know anyone. It's nice that I get a lot done during lunch and can go home before the sunsets but it is awfully lonely.
I have 11 kids in my class right now. I am probability going to get more this week. You would think that 11 is a really small number but I have a slough of behavior problems and 4 year olds should not be in a full day kinder program. It's hard to have so many good ideas for upper grades and then be stuck on the color red FOR A WEEK!!! Needless to say, I am singing a lot of songs and doing everything I can to make letters and numbers interesting. I will keep writing of my adventures...hopefully more amazing than awkward.

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