Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer 2009

A list for the last day of summer!

Happiness is…
Cold milk and warm cookies
Air conditioning
Magic Bulleting stuff
Lazy summer afternoons
Eating produce you grew from a seed
Taking naps while the sun is shining
Cherry sno-cones
Coming home after a long trip
Seeing old friends and making new ones
Winning at Scrabble
Cold sheets
Swimming late at night in the moonlight
New crayons and sharp pencils
Making new school year resolutions
Sleeping in late
Cooking on the grill.
The smell of a rainstorm coming
Finishing a scarf…finally
That chlorine smell that lingers
Hot dogs cooked over a fire
Listening to books on CD
Extra crispy bacon
Fried oats
Cheesy puns
Cheese in general ☺
Gorilla Tiles “Tiles of the Unexpected”
American Gladiators
Little fish babies
C.O. Bigelow Lipgloss
Over The Moon 1% Milk
Meerkat Manor
Finally having a schedule again
Working hard at something and succeeding
The last first class of my master's program
Having friends and family that care and support me in all of my adventures

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