Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Camp Post

Being with my friend, Twiggy, in Texas makes me think of camp. I miss it so much in the middle of the winter. So this is for all you camp friends who are a little camp sick.


-Your goal for the year is to kill a "hoe"

-You remember your first taste of Emergent"C"

-You miss Diet Dr. Thunder

-You look for wagons if you have to move something larger than a shoebox

-You have more than one bracelet with your camp name on it

-You can make anything with pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks

-In August, you try to hold stranger's hands

-You know camp sign langugage

-You know of the J. Low Time Warp

-You've had to have Marsha help you with lat bag tapes

-You plan what color of beads you want in January

-You can admit you like the Spice Girls

-You Dirty But Dry your own laundry

-You have one outfit with bleach stains

-The first thing you do when entering the lats is get a set of gloves

-You have mastered the changing without gloves master

-Nose goes and rock paper scissors solves all your disputes

-You have ever bought Flintstones vitamins to remind you of Rhonda

-You know what the keys open

-Your Chaco tan lasts all year

-You hate A/C

-You know if Bridget has had apples, tomatoes, or corn

-You have been run over by a EWC

-You have chigger scars

-When someone asks you to say grace you start thinking of songs

-You know what P.O.P.C. means

-You question the names on the flow chart

-You've worn a bib

-You can discuss the pros and cons of funky utensils

-You've received fudge from the Carlsons

-You can recite Marsha's graduation speech

-You can name which campers have fragile X, leaky guy, vagal nerve stimulators, and g tubes

-You have 50 hot dog recipes

-You save paper all year long to write Happy Notes on

-When you feel sad you go through your scrapbook

-You think an Olympic event should be water balloon throwing

-You know what Little Foot/Big Foot is

-You can name the tattoos that will be at the tattoo station

-You think fried oats are a part of life

-You know each others "schedules"

-You know the favorite napping spots

-You know the word to Yellow Submarine

-You have ever used chocolate milk as a meal replacement

-You have attempted to make gooey butter cake and grilled cheese bits at home

-You ignore expiration dates

-You know where to find the turkey bacon

-You have seen more than your fair share of butts and boobs

-You have used the green gold bond...and regretted it later

-You drink 2 glasses before starting a meal

-You take "lats" trips during the year

-You look for kitty litter afer you spill something

-You don't use the end sinks in the bathroom

-Your disability radar works within 50 feet

-You label things with your camp name

-Half of your phone numbers are programmed in with camp names

-You have a seperate part of your brain for things related to camp

-You can speak "camp"

-You sign your camp name until mid-September

-You cut all of your food before eating

-You like taking nudie showers with others

-You've taken an OP commando trip

-You've forgotten your towel but not been worried because you can always get J. Low ones

-You own more than one J. Low item

-You know what it means to "J.Low it"

-Thinking of camp gives you a slightly giddy feeling

-You know what every cabin's staff bed feels like

-You dread night swims, but haven't actually been in the water for 4 years

-You can name the Square Dance Man's songs in order

-You start dreaming about camp in mid-June

-You have more J. Low shirts than regular shirts

-You have a seperate tubbie for camp things

-You look forward to Fajita Day all year long

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