Monday, December 14, 2009

The FISH!!!

Time: Approx. 1:30 pm
Setting: Room 208...after lunch read aloud
Characters: Me, a slightly befuddled teacher on a little too much DayQuil trying to get through the day
Budachris (rhymes with Ludacris), a kid who has just too much; too much energy, too much talking, too much moving, too much yelling, too much imagining, too much inattention, too much impulsivity-you get the picture.

Me (reading along as fast as my cold-fogged head can read)
Budachris: (in my ear) Ms A. I have to tell you something
Me (ignoring him and trying to focus on the words swimming in front of me)
Budachris: (in my ear a lot louder) Ms A. I have to tell you something important
Me: Not now
Budachris: (forgetting the pretense of trying not to be distracting) Ms A. It's an emergency about the fish
Me: What? (all reading has stopped now)
Budachris: The fish! It's about the fish.
Me: What? (again the DayQuil making me not as sharp as usual)
Budachris: Something is wrong with the fish!
Me: What is wrong with the fish?
Budachris: They stopped time!
Me: What?
Budachris: They were all swimming and then all of sudden they stopped. The stopped time!
Me: The fish didn't stop time.
Budachris: Yes! They did stop time. They froze it and then they all started it again.
Me: I don't think the fish have the power to control time.
Budachris: They do too!
Me: Ok...? Can we keep on reading?
Budachris: Yeah, I just wanted you to know.
Me: Ok...thanks?

Needless to say this whole encounter left me more befuddled and more confounded. I can also tell you who I am not putting next to the fish tank again when we move desks.

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