Monday, January 11, 2010

I thought I was the teacher....

Oh the things I have learned this year. Today we had a very long discussion about the difference between shanking and cutting. Apparently shanking is to stabbing what cutting is to slicing….put that in your bridge map. I learned that sometimes when the police come the best idea is to run away-according to Calvin that is “You know, Ms. A. because they start to ask questions and stuff.” I’ve learned the difference between eviction notices and past due notices…”Eviction notices is when you have to start packing your stuff.” I’ve even learned that when your electricity goes out then you can’t open the fridge until your dad calls the company and gets them to turn it back on. Apparently “visiting family in the hospital” really means going to jail to see both your mom and your dad who are incarcerated. There are no cardinal directions, but everyone knows if you say "Go to the liquor store, up the hill....".

What is amazing and fascinating to me is that as little as these kids have they are more grateful, more giving, and more caring that just about any others I have met. No matter how little they have they always ask if I want to share their snacks. They are ecstatic when I let them take home books. They have never have complained about there not being seconds on cupcakes. I’m not exactly saying their angels, I have been given gifts that look almost identical to things I already have and my pencil sharpeners keep disappearing. However, if these are the kids of the future ---who are surviving in a rough world and still coming to school and doing their best when there is no one there to get them ready in the morning, their heads hurt from being hungry all weekend, and who never really lose the sadness behind their smiles ---then I think the future is in good hands... besides who else can make an analogy like "School is to job as dropping out is to drunk, shirtless guy on the corner."

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