Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Just, Verdant, and Peaceful Life

Spring is here and the plants are growing, growing, growing! In March, Catherine and I expanded our garden to 6 raised beds instead of two. We also moved a bunch of things around so they would be better set for the long term. Now the beds are established and the vegetables are big enough to harvest. We have a variety of things like onions, artichokes, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, soybeans, sugar snap peas, tomatoes, corn, pumpkins, watermelons, squash, cucumbers, peppers, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, pineapples, eggplants, and chives. We also have a variety of herbs, mint, and flowers. Below are some of the pictures from around our house...mostly of the garden.

Yellow ranuncluas in the flower bed.

Purple ranunculas in the garden.

Marguarite daisies by the mailbox.

A little baby cauliflower.

The snap peas on the trellis.

Some huge green onions. We might have left these in the ground a little too long.

The iceplant growing over the shovel.

A funny red pepper looks like a fist.

Sunflowers as tall as the sky.

Strawberries in the cutest little strawberry planter.

The pumpkin and squash with the sunflowers in the background.

A new pumpkin on it's way to greatness!

The pumpkin is taking over the world! Catherine doing work as I mess around with a camera, as per usual.
A squash in the beginning stages.

The corn that is being smothered by the sunflowers.

The cherry tomatoes that are green...I ate all the red ones right before I took this picture.

The cauliflower that was getting out of control. We pulled it out, it was a whole lot bigger than the 4 plants we put in.

A campfire that started off quite large and impressive. It was not nearly as impressive as it looks in this picture.

The sunflowers are much taller than Catherine.

It's fun to come home and harvest dinner. This cucumber, tomato, and the peas became an excellent pasta salad. The dahlia bloom dressed up the kitchen from ordinary to garden chic in a second :) The veggies are not miniature, the dahlia blossom is as big as my head. Also, the cucumber is hard to see in the poor light, but it was delicious!

The Casa del Fuego is so verdant that even our carpet is growing things. Damn Bermuda grass.

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