As with most jams, jellies, and marmalade love is the first is the recipe I followed ( What I mean by followed is read it once and then tried it from memory...hence the syrup and not the marmalade. Apparently sugar and pectin are not interchangeable.
I took some pictures of the process...I got a little busy towards the end and didn't take many pictures during the exciting parts (not to worry I have 2 more batches to make in the freezer and will not be so distracted that I forget the most important part...the pictures!)
The worst part is sterilizing the jars and lids...I always a third degree burn that melts flesh off.

Here are the cute little oranges and some lemons ready to be sacrifice to the marmalade gods.

Cover your eyes...they're naked!
The carcasses that are to be discarded.

The rinds ready to be cut up.

After a long nights work-such little slivers of peel.

How mesmerizing....the swirl of deliciousness.
Looks disgusting, but it smells awesome.
This is when the smell is out-of-this-world!
I just want to bottle it up and save it for gloomy smells like happiness.
I just want to bottle it up and save it for gloomy smells like happiness.
The chopped up fruit bits ready to go for a swim in the rind jacuzzi.

Finally all together and simmering for quite a while.
This makes the fruit/pulp mass that you mix with pectin and sugar (in that order!)

If you have read to here then you deserve a treat! E-mail me or facebook me and you could be the proud new owner of your very own jar of blood orange ice cream topping/pancake syrup/whatever else you could use a slightly runny version of marmalade for!
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