Have you ever had a perfect piece of clothing? One that you just love to wear? I have the perfect sweater. It's sleeves are just the right length. When it comes out of the dryer the cuffs are the perfect width and when I push them up they stay up. It's weight is perfect. It's texture is perfect. The way it feels on a brisk morning, rainy afternoon, or chilly evening is perfect. The size of the knit is perfect, not so dense that it's too heavy but also not so loose that it catches on things. The way it feels when I put it on is cozy and comfortable. It has a v-neck which I love! Some of my fondest memories were made while I was wearing this sweater. About 4 years of my life have been lived in this sweater. In essence, this is the one thing that I feel most comfortable in and if I could wear it all day, every day I would. If I could change only one thing about it I would change the color...it unfortunately was the color of baby poo. I say "was" because this sweater has been through the literal wringer and with so much love it has been every color from Hershey squirts to day-after-Pepto-black-poop to newborn diarrhea yellow.
Here is a little pictoral timeline through the colors and styles of The Ugly Brown(ish) Sweater. Enjoy!
The Early Days:
not to worry though The Sweater is saving me from unpleasant seawater.
Transitional Stage:
The Dark Ages:

My students were amazed that I had two ugly sweaters in different colors....fifth graders a awesome fashion critics.

This picture was about a year ago, after that The Sweater took a turn for the worse, it had begun to fade rapidly and not in an even pattern. It turned into a horrible striped pattern between khaki poop, poop, and dark poop. It was at this point my friends had an intervention, their bottom line was that I could no longer wear it in public but they also wouldn't purposely try to assassinate it (I think there was a foul plot afoot involving an accident and a sharp pair of scissors).
An Oldie but a Goldie:
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