Monday, August 8, 2011

A Happy List for Camp 2011

A Happy List for Juliette Low Camp 2011

Happiness is:

-Mornings, afternoons, and evenings in the pool

-New Unit Counselors

-Pancake Buddies "I just love them so much"

-Using tongs in a variety of ways

-A talent show that didn’t suck

-Fitting 110 mini-marshmallows in my mouth during “Chubby Bunny”

-Trying new things

-Becoming a Widgey Woman of the Woods

-Playing “Never Have I Ever” endlessly

-2011: The Year of the Potato Products

-Learning new songs, singing new songs, killing new songs

-Closing campfire in the Dining Hall

-Kyle and Chris trying to learn the Edelweiss motions and failing


-The huge and various bugs

-The frog that went up into the urinal to escape Bamboo

-Chloe saying her nightly prayers and mentioning every person in camp

-Saying goodbye to my childhood and Harry Potter in the same movie

-Spending the morning swinging from the trees in our pajamas

-The Dirty Bucket Band

-Love cake

-Awkward conversations with ambulance drivers

-Sonic’s vanilla diet coke

-Sleeping in the Ad Building

-Heat lightening and watching it with friends

-The Bacon Fairy leaving wonderful presents

-Panera’s cinnamon rolls with butter

-Riding to the OP in the golf cart

-Making natural dyes

-Trying to use natural dyes

-Watching in horror as white pillow cases come out of the laundry…natural dye fail

-Cooking with charcoal that is not covered in lighter fluid

-The thrill of thunderstorms that you can feel shaking the walls

-Making laundry soap

-Trying to save a baby bird, even though there was little hope of survival

-Teaching snorkeling in the deep end of the pool

-Pickle Pops

-Katie’s dad and his love of Pickle Pops

-The Infinity Pool

-Bleaching the Unit shirts

-Meeting new campers like Beth, Ella, and Kim

-Parachute fun

-Stacy’s new found life as a gangster

-Allison singing “Dynamite”

-“Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle”

-The Fire Department coming to hose us down

-A fancy fan and cooling pad

-Dicecapades and Bang

-The Unit Party

-"Tell me your story, you inspire me"

-Annie and all of her exploits (especially ones involving the creepy Elmo hat)

-Maggie and the face paints

-Whipping hair back and forth

-Lola and Professor Cheesy the cabin mice

-Packages from far away friends

-The "classics" that make me miss camp for 11 months

The unit and their tongs

The natural dyes that seemed like a good idea at the time

Pancake buddies and a tired but happy me

Swinging under the Black Walnut Tree

110 mini-marshmallows...Impressive

Joy riding with Annie

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